because time goes by so fast; _, * le keda an average Horay
pc * RULES:
1. You can take as much time as you want before you answer.
2. Be honest XD
3. You can replace your answers with pictures = P
4. Have fun! ^ O ^
a) Favorite artist always (or singer, actor, comedian, etc. NO GROUPS).
D: .. now I know xDDD no groups? ; _;
b) Writer of favorite dramas (you can put the name of drama but you know who wrote the screenplay). LOL * I'm no
Tanma fome for memes xD *
c) Drama favorite.
d) Lead favorite has always (for both sexes. NO voices within groups).
if male
the same Nomah
xD ....
e) Banda favorite has always (both sexes). Grouping
female: hm ... hmmm xD no male
leave the same as you-w-* Praha * ♥
f) Lead time favorite (both sexes. NO voices within groups).
the moment? Amm ....
love that picture, ¬;
with his guitar \u0026lt;3
g) Banda favorite moment (both sexes. NO voices within groups).
feminine male
LXD lala:
h) Favorite Movie (NO Special Drama).
Kagen no tsuki?
oo i) Favourite Drama Special.
j) Favorite actor.
I love your acting now?; ¬;
k) favorite actress.
jajaj me if I saw her act (6) was love xD
l) 3 favorite Dramas 2008. XDD
Nobuta? XD
m) Favorite Song.
this year? XDD. _. .-. I do not know now TOT * ^ * is killed * Costa Rica * _
n) Nominate 5 other people to do the meme. XD AHAHAHA