Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Where Do You Find The Golden Vase In Poptropica

All for a challenge

Well .... Give my love ~ as I do not know what the hell to write in this ¬ ¬ page leave some stuff that happened to me the other day.

On January 9 (the day I submitted my title Geometry T_T) while at school, I started to fight with a friend, our theme: "Naruto." The case is that it started to challenge me, that if I dared, which itself was a coward and stung me most: "If you could not" Power that? wonder, as I challenged Coat-kun read a NaruSaku fanfic ...... NARU x Saku! ¬ ¬ and I accepted. I know I'm going to traumatize because there are lemon and although I know that the plot is still terrifies me; __; Ah! but the very fears will not save (muahahah) because I gave him two options: Naruto's legacy of great Naruko or Bulletproof Cupid of great Kanari Shinobu ( I think the best Naruto yaoi fics I've read) but I suggested I Bought of Nesly because it is the triple the long ischemia challenge

¬ ¬ Now, I read 17 chapters of Winter in the Heart of Ayumi before the next TNT to collect my prize (I know you I win xD) And to avoid pitfalls leave a review in each chapter of the fic I read. Yes I wanted, I read it in one day, but I take my time to use the compu (fucking games ¬ ¬)

I do not like being told coward ... I do not like being told I can not and / or dare ..... and now .... my first fic hetero Naruto Naruto and Sakura will ;____; and all for a challenge .........

But ever faithful to Sasu Naru ♥ ...!!! I Promise It.


Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Taking Xanax After Drinking

yeeep Graphics!

Puafss notice that I'm bored XD
but I have to improve now ò___ó
fangirl I'm making a video of a couple XD I like * blushes * XD Weno
icons here some shit XD

with toast died of laughter XD